About Us



Gym Etiquette brand came about when an everyday family rallied together after our daughter, Teagan, suffered an injury ending her gymnastics career.  Feeling at home in her body and wanting to continue on a fitness/wellness journey, Teagan began weight training along side her father, Chris, and brother, Christopher.  One day a complete stranger took notice of Teagan’s incredible strength which catapulted her straight into a love of powerlifting.   As a family, we jumped right in and assumed our roles:  dad, Chris, at the helm as coach, brother, Christopher, by Teagan’s side as gym partner, and mom, Kim, as manager.  In an effort to prepare for powerlifting competitions, we began working out together 5-7 days per week. In her first competition in Virginia Beach, Teagan won bench press qualifying her for the Worlds in Las Vegas!!

 At a mere 12 years old, Teagan took Vegas by storm earning 4 World Records: bench press, squat, dead lift, and the all around.  Though Teagan’s competitive powerlifting career was only 5 years long (she has since passed the baton on to her older brother, Christopher), the family's love for the gym is still alive and well.  Those of you who frequent the gym know exactly what comes along with regular workouts; the run-ins with the a*%holes.  We all know who we’re talking about:  the bench hogs, the weight slammers, the ego lifters with NO form, and the notorious folks who don’t re-rack their F*@%ing weights.  At Gym Etiquette, as a family brand, our main goal is to create awareness around gym etiquette and hopefully put a stop to these S.O.B.’s who just can’t seem to clean up after themselves or get off their phones.  If you are someone who respects the gym and isn’t afraid to show it, we want to invite YOU to the Gym Etiquette family!